Leading Hearts to the Heart of the Father
A passion to raise up other prophets in the true integrity of the mantle. To lead them in accurately hearing and interpreting His voice. To equip them to be the Lord’s mouthpiece on the earth.
Michelle, an Apostolic prophet, is a conference speaker and teacher. She’s a voice calling for the hearts of pastors, leaders and others to see the heart of the Father. To help people move from church mentality to kingdom advancement and to help them walk in holiness and integrity of character.
A passion to raise up other prophets in the true integrity of the mantle.
To lead them in accurately hearing and interpreting His voice.
Equip others to be the Lord’s mouthpiece on the earth.
Plumbline Perspective
Each week Michelle will be sending a new message exploring many different subjects such as having a relationship with the Father, finding your purpose, walking in forgiveness, learning to love and not protect ourselves, how to release the anointing in our lives as well as many other subjects.
Want to help in the Mission?
Michelle, an Apostolic prophet, is a conference speaker and teacher. She’s a voice calling for the hearts of pastors, leaders and others to see the heart of the Father. To help people move from church mentality to kingdom advancement and to help them walk in holiness and integrity of character.
She has a passion to raise up other prophets in the true integrity of the mantle. To lead them in accurately hearing and interpreting His voice. To equip them to be the Lord’s mouthpiece on the earth.
For more than two decades, Michelle has operated in prophetic ministry, bringing healing and insight to countless people. She has a gift to help others see their calling and destiny fulfilled. She is an author that has written many articles on uncovering your true identity in Christ.
She is passionate about helping women see their potential and the God given purpose for their life.
Plumbline Perspective
Each week Michelle will be sending a new message exploring many different subjects such as having a relationship with the Father, finding your purpose, walking in forgiveness, learning to love and not protect ourselves, how to release the anointing in our live and many other subjects.
This election is more important than any we have probably ever had in the history of our country. For years the forces of darkness have been gathering and scheming and putting a plan in place because our country was dedicated to God at it’s foundation. God...
SHIFTING INTO A NEW ERA Welcome to the first edition of the Plumbline Perspective blog. We’ll delve into numerous topics as we go along. We’ll touch on things that help us grow and things that clarify where we are spiritually and where we are going as the church....
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